Armor Upgrades:


Mega Man X:

Head: Block Breaker.  Allows X to break through certain blocks, which is essential for certain other upgrades.  Found in Storm Eagle’s stage, after the half-way point, where is a large scaffolding tower.  On the right side, dash-jump onto a hidden ledge and blast the gas tanks until they explode.


Body: Cuts damage in half.  In Sting Chameleon’s stage, above the section with the falling rocks.  Destroy the large robot to get it.


Arms:  Gives X the pink plasma shot and the ability to charge his special weapons.  In Flame Mammoth’s stage, after the first drop, look for odd-looking blocks in the ceiling.  Dash jump from a platform on the right and climb up, breaking the blocks as you go.


Feet:  Gives X the ability to dash.  In Chill penguin’s stage, you can’t miss it.


Special:  Gives X the Hadouken.  See SECRETS section.


Mega Man X2:

Head: I. Tracer.  Allows X to locate hidden items and areas.  Found in Crystal Snail’s stage.  Slide down the left had wall of the very wide pit somewhat close to the end of the stage.  Don’t forget to get the extra life afterwards!


Body: The G. Crush.  Nuff said.  In Morph Moth’s stage, find a patch of floor that triggers the I. Tracer, then use the Spin Wheel.


Arms: Gives X the Double Shot.  Found in Wheel Gator’s stage, before the drop that lands you before the moving platforms that take you over the spikes.  Climb the wall, then air dash across to the hole in the ceiling. (Use the I. Tracer, it’ll help)


Feet:  The Air Dash.  In Overdrive Ostrich’s stage, toward the end, use the I. Tracer to find the blocks that you can destroy with the Spin Wheel.


Special:  Gives X the Shoryuken (Dragon Punch).  See the SECRETS section.


Mega Man X3:

Head: Gives X the ground penetrating radar. Get the Triad Thunder and the X-Buster Upgrade, and then go to the Tunnel Rhino's stage. At the part where you see a suspended stone, charge the T. Thunder and release it to make the stone fall. Climb up.


Head Chip: X gets recovery powers. He can restore his energy by not doing anything for a while. Get any RRA, though I prefer the Hawk, and go to Blast Hornet's stage. Got to the RRA pad through the passage in the ceiling, and suit up the RRA. Go to the right until you get to the edge of the floor. Dash jump right in the RRA, then at the peak, jump out and to the right. If you are using the hawk, just hover over after the dash jump.


Body: A force field surrounds X whenever he gets hit, resulting in half damage. Get the Gravity Well and the X-Buster upgrade, and then go to the Volt Catfish's stage. At the third elevator, ride it all the way up, past the first stop on the right, to find another stop on the left. Stand on the odd-looking block, and fire a charged G. Well. Go get the capsule.


Body Chip: Get an RRA and go to Crush Crab's stage. Get the RRA at the pad immediately below the starting point. Go to the right, to the point where the mace-bot goes through the floors. Go down and to the right, then down the pit. Destroy the wall to the left with the RRA, and go through.


Arms: X gets an improved version of the Double Shot. He can now cause the two shots to cross-link and form a more powerful blast. Get the Tornado Fang and the foot upgrade, then go to the to Neon Tiger's stage. At the part after the three wall-maker bots, before the ladder, you will see an odd-looking wall. Shoot it with the T. Fang, and then go to the right until you get to the ledge. Dash jump right, then up-dash up to the capsule.


Arms Chip: X gets the Hyper C, which stores damage to let him use charged shots without charging, when selected. Get an RRA, and go to Gravity Beetle's stage. Go the RRA pad, then go to the right, up the short tunnel by dash jumping up the ledges, then to the right until you get to the wall. Smash it with the RRA, and go in to get the capsule.


Feet: X can now air-dash left, right, or up. Go to Blizzard Buffalo's stage, to the part with the blizzard. Stay up top when you have the option of going down. Dash-jump to the right to get into a room with the capsule.


Feet Chip: Lets X dash twice in the air. Get the Frog RRA, and go to the Toxic Seahorse's stage. At the area where you go into the water, first go to the right to get the Frog from the RRA pad. Swim through, and destroy the fans at the end of the upper path. Then, climb up the walls to get the capsule.


Specials:  See the SECRETS section for info about the Gold Chip and Zero’s Beam Saber


Mega Man X4:

Head: Allows X to use weapons uncharged without losing energy. Your weapons will only use up energy when you charge them.  Found in area 1 of Cyberspace. Get an "S" rating in the 3rd section to get to the capsule. Use the Soul Body to keep the yellow orbs out of the way and use the dash and dash-jump as much as possible.


Body: Gives X the awesome Nova Strike!  Found in Area 2 of the Volcano. Dash-jump from the cliff just above where you see the Ridden Armor onto a ledge above the lava. Use a fully charged Twin Slasher shot to break the rocks.


Arms: There are two upgrades, both in the same location.  The first allows X to

store 4 charged shots at once, then release them at any time.  The second gives X the plasma shot, which can pierce most armored bots and leaves a plasma ball to do additional damage.  Found in Area 2 of the Air Force. Shoot the Lightning Web from the right distance to barely cover the spikes that line a hole in the ceiling right before the first door in the Area 2. There are 2 different arm upgrades but you can only use one at a time.


Feet:  Allows X to Air Dash and to Hover in mid-air for a brief period of time.  Found behind a waterfall in Area 1 of the Jungle, right after the area with the ladder in the middle of the screen.


Special:  the Ultimate Armor.  See SECRETS


Zero’s Upgrades:  True, zero doesn’t get capsules, but he DOES get upgrades!

Hienyaku:  Allows Zero to Air Dash.  Beat Jet Stingray.

Kuuenbu:  Double Jump.  Beat Split Mushroom.

Tenkuuha:  Enhanced Z-Saber allows Zero to dispel energy shots.

Rakuhouha:  Allows Zero to absorb damage and release it as an explosive Giga attack!

Black Armor:  See the SECRETS section.


Mega Man X5:

In X5, you collect all four pieces of armor before being able to equip it, which you do on the character select screen.


Nova Armor: Essentially the same as in X4, with the plasma shot and no Nova Strike.  Also, it doesn’t conserve weapon energy.  X starts with this armor if you start with him.  It can used weapons charged and uncharged and supports two modules.


Falcon Armor:  This air armor has invincible flight, a laser shot, slight energy saving for weapons, and the Falcon Strike Giga Attack.  It can use uncharged weapons, and supports two modules.

Head: Squid Adler – Collect the energy orbs during the Ride Chaser segment.  There are 8, and if you get them all, you blow open the special door.

Body: Duff McWhalen – You can see this, but you need to go back and get it after you have his weapon.  Fire the Goo Shaver so it hits the mine to blow up the wall.

Arms: Izzy Glow – In the second section, you’ll see a hole in the ceiling, and a plasma ball will come out of it periodically.  Climb up and use the C-Slasher to destroy the plasma generator to get the capsule.

Feet: Grizzly Slash – After the truck convoy, you’ll see a hole in the ceiling.  Dash-jump off the wall or use the double jump or flight to get into the hole to get it.


Gaea Armor: This ground armor has spike-walking capabilities, a powerful, short-range plasma shot, and the Gaea Strike Giga Attack.  It cannot use weapons or modules.

Head: Dark Dizzy – Right before the door to the boss, drop down the hole.  Guide the W. Laser through the maze-like passage to the left side of the obstructing wall.

Body: Skiver – in the section with the diagonal lift, use the Falcon Armor to fly up at the edge of the platform before the lift

Arms: Mattrex – At the part with the lava, make you way through the lava or fight the mini-boss, and when you get to the ropes, grab onto one of the higher ones, and then fly down a little and to the right.  You’ll see the capsule.

Feet: Axle the Red – At the area with the horizontal ropes and pits (the second one, not the one right after the v-blocks), you’ll see a small patch of spikes on the wall.  Fly up with the Falcon and you’ll see the capsule.


Ultimate Armor: Like in X4, you have hover, the plasma shot, and infinite Nova Strikes.  It can fire charged and uncharged weapons, but with no energy saver properties.  It supports two modules. See the SECRETS section.


Zero’s Upgrades:

Zero gets some neat stuff in this game.  He starts with an arm cannon if you start as him.  He has an air dash to start with, no matter whom you choose at the beginning.  He also gets the following “upgrades”.  These are upgrades so to speak from bosses, not modules; Zero can support four modules.

Air Dash Ice shield

Double Jump

Giga Attack

Black Armor:  In X4, Zero’s Black Armor was purely decorational.  In X5, it is functional as well, increasing his Z-Saber power and reducing damage by 50%.  See the SECRETS section.


Modules: In Mega Man X5, X and Zero can equip enhancement modules that give them temporary upgrades (as long as they have on the module).  Here is the list.  Ones with X heads next to them can be used by X, and ones with Zero heads next to them can be used by Zero.  There are 16 total, with 10 common ones and 3 individualized ones for each character.


Weapon & energy + modules

Grizzly Slash: Hyper Dash

Duff McWhalen: W-Energy Saver

Squid Adler: Z-Saber Extend

Izzy Glow: Shot eraser

Dark Dizzy: Virus Buster

Skiver: Speedster

Mattrex: Buster Plus

Axle the Red: Z-Saber Plus


Weapon & life + modules

Grizzly Slash: Shock Buffer

Duff McWhalen: Super Recover

Squid Adler: Quick Charge

Izzy Glow: Burst Shot

Dark Dizzy: Anti-Virus Guard

Skiver: Jumper

Mattrex: Speed Shot

Axle the Red: Ultimate Buster